Burnout & Imposter Syndrome

Image Description: Laptop, coffee cup, and pencils

Image Description: Laptop, coffee cup, and pencils

The deadlines, difficult co-workers, a demanding boss – your dream job isn’t turning out how you imagined. The job that was supposed to be the sign that you have “made it” is now feeling like a weight. You are burned out.

You begin to doubt your skills and abilities. A voice in your head tells you that you’re doing it all wrong, that you’re not good enough, that you’re a fraud and everyone will soon figure it out. Imposter syndrome takes a hold and does not let go.

When the stress is too much, you might start to feel down more days than not, you feel dread, you’re tired all of the time, you begin to isolate, or you get that panicky feeling and can’t shake it. All your usual ways of making yourself feel better don’t seem to work.

For BIPOC, immigrants, and children of immigrants, burnout and imposter syndrome are compounded by experiences of racism, discrimination, and microaggressions. Your mind, your heart, and spirit are exhausted.

That’s where I can help. You’re great at what you do, but you don’t need to have this part all figured out. Let’s work together to build on your skills and resilience!